Pastel live Bundle


Video Length: 18 Hours 7 Minutes
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 Four Excellent Pastel Courses, One Amazing Price

Albert Handell: Mastering Pastels


Highlights of this video course:

  • A beautiful pastel painting demonstration
  • Never-heard-before painting tips and tricks from the master himself
  • The surprising positive side of watercolor accidents
  • The “sky-holes” technique for shaping trees
  • How to start a painting, finish a painting, and everything in between!
  • Boost the “carrying power” of your paintings to draw viewers in
  • An in-depth understanding of how warm colors “rise” and cool colors “drop”
  • How to make enhanced composition changes as you paint
  • Methods to eliminate “overworking” a painting
  • Why watercolor and pastel is a perfect mix
  • Create space with transparent and opaque colors
  • Albert’s unique “Hunter-Gatherer” organizing strategy
  • An insightful interview with Albert Handell
  • A digital gallery of some of Albert’s best work
  • BONUS: 2019 tribute video created to honor Albert as he was presented with PleinAir magazine’s Lifetime Achievement Award
  • And much, much more!

You have the incredible opportunity to learn about pastel painting from Albert Handell, an art legend!

This is an amazing video course where Albert shares techniques, insights, and wisdom that he has gained through his seven decades as an artist.

You’ll watch how this master painter begins a painting, progresses through each stage, and how he decides when it is finished … allowing you to stop overworking your own paintings.

You’ll see how Handell harmonizes the transparent and opaque passages of the pastel — creating a delightful and pleasing composition.

He’ll show you how to maximize each and every color of the pastel by understanding its nature.

You’ll experience in-depth explanations of landscape proportions (demonstrations included!)

Albert even shares his secrets for grabbing a viewers’ attention, even from afar, and drawing them into the painting by amplifying its “carrying power.”

He offers you his best techniques on how to create exciting and dynamic paintings by avoiding boring placement.

You’ll learn how to “see through things” and know exactly how to strongly complete certain areas of the painting — critical to the composition.

One of the biggest benefits you’ll gain is how to maintain intentional variety and unity throughout your painting to keep the eyes of your viewers glued to your creation!

Don’t miss your chance to study pastel painting with Albert Handell.


William A. Schneider: Pastel Painting Secrets


With Bill’s guidance, you’ll see:

  • Painting with pastels is easy and fun: Once you learn even a few of these secrets, you’ll feel a burning desire to find out more!
  • How to transfer your painting knowledge to pastel painting: It is the next step in taking your art into an entirely new style of painting, and great for those moments when oils just won’t do.
  • How to create an endless palette: Limited only by your imagination, you can create any color — no need to run out and purchase a specific color you may use only once!
  • How you can easily adapt techniques: You probably already know more about pastel painting techniques than you think!
  • The right way to handle and care for pastels: Pastels can be a bit fragile, but even if they break, you can keep on using them — no waste!
  • How you can make corrections: Pastels are very forgiving, allowing you to make corrections and adjustments as you go.


Master Artist William A. Schneider takes you step-by-step through a pastel portrait

Well known for his amazing oil paintings, Bill found that painting with pastels added an additional layer of interest and passion to his art career. He also found that many of the skills he used in oil painting were easily transferable to pastels.

He came to understand that pastels were just the next natural progression in his own career and a great addition to what he teaches in his workshops, which are attended by everyone from carpenters to doctors to professional artists.

And now you can learn directly from this great artist as Liliedahl Productions escorts you to your own front row seat to discover the treasures in Pastel Painting Secrets with master artist William A. Schneider.


Lyn Diefenbach: Floral Secrets - A Step-by-Step Guide to Painting Luminous, Lifelike Flowers in Pastel

For Pastel Artists Who Want to Master the Medium, Create a Lifelike Glow on Flowers, and Render Realistic Textures 

What if I told you that pastels can make your flowers glow much brighter and more vibrant than any other medium?

What if I told you there’s an approach to render textures with pastel that look so realistic you can almost feel them?

And what if I told you pastel painting can be easy and fun?

Well, all that can be possible with master pastelist Lyn Diefenbach’s “BUILDUP” approach.

So if you’ve ever struggled with which colors to choose, how to mix them…

And if you want to avoid creating art that’s flat and muddy… 

Then what you’re about to learn are the discoveries Lyn has made throughout her colorful journey.

You’ll learn her unique “BUILDUP” approach that’s been proven to help students create visually breathtaking art.

As you watch Lyn recreate her masterpiece All Aglow, you’ll see her expertly apply techniques and learn how she renders textures so well you can almost feel them…

…the softness of petals, the sponginess of cacti, and the sharpness of needles. 

How did she capture both the sunlight and the glow from within the flowers — a glow so inviting and warm that it seems like it could attract the bees?

How did she make the flowers so realistic you can almost smell them?

You don’t have to wonder any longer…

…because today, you’re going to learn to paint flowers so well you’ll make viewers go “WOW!” 

They’re going to wonder how you created that magical, almost heavenly, glow on your flowers… 

…how you rendered textures so well… 

…and how you crafted such a beautiful composition.

More importantly…

You’re going to learn how to create art that stirs the soul and the imagination.

But this isn’t just about painting flowers — it’s about turning you into an artist who creates stunning art that grabs attention and moves people emotionally!


Karen Margulis: Expressive Pastel Painting


Here’s a small taste of what’s inside Expressive Pastel Painting: Loosen Up and Be More Bold:

  • Karen Margulis’s COMPLETE pastel painting process, plus the full walkthrough of her genius "M.A.P. Approach"...
  • How to STOP blindly copying the reference photo and start interpreting it like an artist...
  • Secrets to adding TEXTURE with pastels (even experienced artists struggle with this; you’ll get the shortcut inside)
  • How to AVOID making your colors look dull and muddy, and simple methods to add EXCITEMENT for the viewer…Techniques to help you be LOOSER with your approach...
  • Tips on mark-making that will improve your painting almost instantly…How to take FULL advantage of the pastel medium so you can be more creative and exploratory (painting will be extremely fun after this!)
  • How to have MORE interesting colors in your painting (time to move away from using only local colors!)
  • How to overcome the fear of the blank canvas, and the surprisingly simple strategy to know exactly where to start…
  • How to know your painting is complete (you'll LOVE Karen's thoughts on this)
  • How to tap into your inner creativity with the pastel medium and explore UNUSUAL underpaintings...
  • How to capture “glowing light,” how to work on thickly textured surfaces, and how to do underpainting correctly...
  • Karen’s award-winning techniques on how to balance the MYSTERY and detail in your paintings to grab and hold the viewer’s attention...
  • How to use your ARTISTIC LICENSE to tell a captivating story (collectors and dealers WANT to see this) ...
  • Simple ways to punch up the texture and add DEPTH to your pastel paintings…
  • Pro-level insights on how to CONTROL & ORCHESTRATE the visual journey for the viewer...
  • PLUS: Karen’s unique techniques like the “Light Touch” layering technique and “Whisper Vs. Shout” technique (more inside!)
  • and so many more insights and painting wisdom that will speed up your progress!


The “M.A.P. Approach is designed by Karen Margulis, a terrific instructor and pastel artist.

Inside this instructional video, Karen will showcase the versatility and vibrancy of the pastel medium and prove to you that YOU can easily create artwork like her.

She’s going to share mind-blowing insights that will allow you to paint with MORE EXPRESSION and confidence.

You’re going to discover tips and techniques that will help you interpret your reference material rather than simply copying it.

Karen will break down complicated concepts into simpler, easy-to-grasp info nuggets

…and make the entire painting process approachable with step-by-step instruction.


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